The Blog
On the Trees of Hope blog, you will find prevention advice, tips, stories of hope, and encouragement for survivors.

Tactics Groomers Use to Exploit Children
Groomers manipulate and exploit children in various ways. Parents must stay alert and maintain a healthy level of caution with the adults interacting with their children.

Addressing Puberty with Your Pre-Teen
Parents must approach the subject of puberty with their pre-teen in a way that shows empathy and nurtures trust.

Encouragement for Parents: Your Influence Matters
Be encouraged, parents! Your influence holds the greatest power to shape your child's heart and mind.

Protecting Children Online: Safeguarding Against Risks in Apps and Chatrooms
Apps provide children with numerous opportunities for learning, socializing, and entertainment, but they also harbor many potential dangers.

Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Addressing and preventing sexual harassment is not just a legal requirement for employers, but also a moral necessity to cultivate a safe, healthy, and productive work setting.