Healing Services for Teens
Are You Ready to Heal from Sexual Abuse?
There are far more survivors of sexual abuse than we know. Studies show that nearly 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will have been the victim of sexual assault or abuse by age 18. However, because of the shame and trauma of these experiences, the number of survivors is likely much higher.
Sexual abuse often leaves teens feeling broken inside. They may feel like they don’t know who to trust and are haunted by memories and feelings they can’t control. If this is you or your teen, we have options to help you heal!
Mandatory Reporting of Sexual Abuse
All adults who work with children are mandated reporters of abuse. They're required to report any suspected or disclosed abuse, no matter how small. Mandated reporters include law enforcement officers, teachers, healthcare personnel, and other professionals. In certain states, all adults are considered mandated reporters. If a child is in immediate danger, call 911. The Trees of Hope team are mandated reporters and are required by law to report any child or teen sexual abuse. We take this responsibility very seriously and will take action to ensure children's safety and well-being.
Healing Book Study for Teen Girls
With appalling statistics showing that 1 in 3 girls will be sexually abused by their 18th birthday, we felt it was imperative to design a curriculum tailored specifically for this tender age group.
Through our Flourish For Teen Girls study, young women will learn valuable tools that will help them recognize and prevent self-destructive thought patterns and behaviors that may affect their mental and spiritual health and prevent them from moving forward.
The Flourish study teaches the truth about God's love, power, and forgiveness. Once young women are equipped with this knowledge, healing and restoration can begin.
Click on the link for a FREE Flourish book, and start your healing journey NOW!
Flourish Online for
Teen Girls and Boys
Flourish Online is a FREE customized individual study to heal the hearts, minds, and spirits of teenage boys and girls. Young men and women will be taught ways to help them prevent destructive cycles that may be hindering their healing progress and how to create more positive patterns, as well as learn the precious truth about God's love, power, and forgiveness.
Why not take those first strong steps to a life-changing path of recovery and restoration?
Click the link below to register for Flourish Online for FREE and start your healing journey NOW!
Please note that we have created separate studies for boys and girls. While the videos are for both, the book and its content are tailored to meet the individual needs of boys and girls.
Healing Book Study for Teen Boys
Our Flourish For Teen Boys study is customized to heal the hearts, minds, and spirits of teenage boys aged 14-17. Shocking statistics show that 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused by their 18th birthday.
There is often an inaccurate presumption in our society that sexual abuse is mainly confined to women - this is false - and there is a desperate need for support for young men who have been affected by abuse.
We have designed an accessible curriculum for boys of this age group. We believe all these young men should have the support they need and deserve. Teen boys in our program will learn valuable tools to help recognize and prevent destructive cycles and behaviors and build new habits.
Click the link for a FREE Flourish Book and start your healing journey NOW!