Prevention Education Services for Adults


Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse is Possible!

Statistics show that 95% of sexual abuse cases are preventable through education. Educating adults, teenagers, and children is indisputably proven to be the most effective way to combat sexual abuse. While sexual abuse is never a comfortable topic to discuss at any age, understanding and learning how to prevent it is critically important.

Over the past several years, Trees of Hope has educated thousands of people through our in-person and online prevention workshops, giving them the awareness, insight, and tools necessary to stop sexual abuse in their lives and their family’s life before it happens.

Schedule an Onsite Prevention Workshop

Our two-hour onsite prevention workshop covers the following essential and practical topics for keeping children safe from sexual abuse:

  • What constitutes contact and non-contact?

  • What constitutes sexual abuse?

  • What the grooming process looks like.

  • Behavioral and physical symptoms of sexual abuse to look out for.

  • The link between sexual abuse and pornography.

  • How to open the door to honest conversations with children.

  • How to get help if you believe a child is being sexually abused.

If you, your church, a company, or a group would like to set up a prevention workshop, please click the link below and complete the form.

Trees of Hope Preventing and Healing From Sexual Abuse

Register for Our Online Prevention Workshop

So that we can reach as many people as possible, we now offer our prevention workshop online as an option that is more feasible for many, with teachers Nicole Escobar and Holly Fregin leading the workshops. Prevent Online is where parents can complete the online seminar to learn about sexual abuse and how to protect the ones they love and care for. The workshop costs $15 and includes a physical copy of our prevention magazine called Prevent. Online registrants who use the provided code will receive the magazine by mail (shipping fees apply).

FAQs About Our Prevent Workshop

What type of content is covered during the online prevention workshop?

We cover what defines contact vs. non-contact sexual abuse, how to identify the grooming process, behavioral and physical symptoms of sexual abuse, the link between sexual abuse and pornography, how to open the door to honest conversations with children, and several other topics directly related to predatorial behavior. We also go over the steps to take if you believe your child is being sexually abused. Because of this workshop's mature and explicit content, we highly recommend that children are absent.

How long is the prevent workshop?

Our online and in-person prevention workshops last approximately two hours, potentially running longer, depending on the Q&A.

What resources do Trees of Hope provide at the prevent workshops?

Our online prevention and in-person workshops include a helpful resource called the Prevent Magazine. Online registrants who use the provided code will receive the magazine by mail (shipping fees apply). In-person participants will be given this magazine at the beginning of the workshop.

This magazine contains all the information covered in our presentation and additional examples, explanations, and statistics to provide a more in-depth understanding of the topic. We also offer other prevention resources for sale, including an interactive children’s book for kids aged 4-7, teen prevention magazines with corresponding parent guides, and topic-specific resources on human trafficking and early exposure to pornography. See below for more information on these prevention resources.

What is the cost of a prevent workshop?

The in-person Prevent workshop is free and includes a physical copy of our prevention magazine. Prevent Online costs $15, and registrants will receive a code to get a free copy of the Prevent magazine by mail (shipping fees apply).

Prevention Resources for Parents

  • Our Prevent Magazine serves as a guide for parents to prevent sexual abuse. It covers topics such as recognizing patterns of sexual abuse, identifying types of predators, being aware of red flag offenses, understanding the symptoms of abuse, and learning how to prevent sexual abuse. Additionally, the magazine offers guidance on what to teach children in case they have already experienced sexual abuse.

  • Shout Out. Get Out. Speak Out: Teaching Children Their Body Safety Superpowers is a three-part book series designed to educate children aged 4-7 about body safety. The trilogy uses age-appropriate language to help children understand their body "superpowers," recognize the difference between safe and unsafe touch, and encourage them to trust their internal alarm and speak up.

  • Fortify is a magazine specifically designed for teenage girls, focusing on educating them about body safety and prevention. It offers guidance on important topics such as consent, handling unwanted sexual advances, and establishing safe boundaries. Additionally, the magazine includes a parent guide that presents similar content in an easy-to-understand format, helping parents engage with their teens on these crucial subjects.

  • Fortify is a guide designed to help teenage boys understand body safety. It teaches them about consent, how to deal with unwanted sexual advances, how to establish safe boundaries, and what to do when someone tries to pressure them into doing something they don't want to do. Fortify also comes with an accompanying parent guide that helps parents understand what their teen is learning and enables them to have meaningful conversations about the content.

  • The Guide on Human Trafficking Prevention is a brief and informative guide that explains the definition of human trafficking, how it can manifest in your area, ways to recognize the signs of human trafficking, methods to safeguard your children and establish a secure environment, and practical strategies to combat human trafficking.

  • A comprehensive guide that teaches the science behind the dangers of pornography. It includes vital statistics about youth and the effects of pornography, the links between pornography and sexual abuse, guidance on how to protect children from pornography and how to handle early exposure to pornography, and resources for dealing with pornography issues.

  • Our Facts of Life series is designed to help parents have honest and open conversations with their children about their bodies. The accompanying workbook is appropriate for parents of newborns to teenagers, covering various topics related to sex education. We strongly encourage parents, educators, and homeschooling families to use this valuable resource as a guide to teach sex education topics that focus on godly values. You can buy the set together, or each book can be purchased individually.