Together Making Kingdom Impact
It is with a full heart that I introduce myself to you as the new Executive Director of Trees of Hope. Over the past three years, my role has changed from Marketing Manager to Assistant Executive Director to, more recently, Creative Director. And now, as Trees of Hope’s second Executive Director, I get to lean even more deeply into my vocational calling of protecting children from sexual abuse and restoring those who have been sexually abused.
I am proud to be part of such a robust Christian ministry with a 10-year history of serving the sexually abused and helping parents safeguard their children. Thousands of women, teens and even men have been emotionally healed and saved, in every sense of the word, by coming through a group of Trees of Hope. This is God’s Mission, not a mere human project. It’s sustained by the Holy Spirit. I pledge to maintain our Christian identity and collaborate closely with our community while adapting to the growing and emerging needs of our overly sexual and perverse world.
You and I, alongside the Trees of Hope board, staff, and other donors, volunteers, community partners, have a deep passion for serving the victims of sexual abuse. Together, let’s strive to prevent sexual abuse in our homes, schools, and communities and bring fullness of life to the most victimized of people.
I look forward to beginning this exciting new phase with you. If you have any questions or just want to say hello, feel free to contact me anytime, or simply stop by the Trees of Hope house in February 2018. Dee Proietto, the founder of Trees of Hope, will be stepping into her new role of Director of Development. If you know Dee, you know she is remarkable at building relationships and working with donors to continue moving the mission of Trees of Hope forward.
Thank you for your commitment and dedication to Trees of Hope. The need in this world is great, but our God is greater!
Together making Kingdom impact!