The Blog
On the Trees of Hope blog, you will find prevention advice, tips, stories of hope, and encouragement for survivors.
How To Talk To Your Child After They Have Been Sexually Abused
For parents who discover that their child was sexually abused is a devastating and destabilizing reality. It’s like living a nightmare,...
A Short Parents Guide to Age Appropriate Conversations
One of the most important tools in sexual abuse prevention is clear and open communication with your child.
Why Bumper Stickers Make Your Family Vulnerable
The unforeseen downside of having bumper stickers is that it creates an avenue of vulnerability by exposing private information to abusers.
I am Not Responsible
The first statement and belief that must be engraved in the heart of any survivor is, “It was not your fault.”
The Consequences of Believing False Beliefs
Common consequences of relying on false beliefs as a form of truth are the following: low self-esteem, , guilt, self-blame, and shame.
Sexual Abuse Through the Eyes of the Media
Media coverage of sexual abuse greatly impacts education, attitudes and beliefs regarding this critical epidemic...
Tips For Promoting a Healthy Digital Wellbeing For Your Family
Digital over-dependence can create issues of anxiety, low self-esteem, and peer pressure throughout a child’s development.
Is Gaslighting Happening To Me?
Gaslighting will slowly chip away at your identity, your emotional stability and your confidence.
Sexual Abuse Within Domestic Violence
When we commit to a relationship with someone we know and love, we share intimate parts of our minds and souls through trust. That trust...
Four Teen Body Safety Tips
Just as you have your own smile, your own humor, and your own personality - your boundaries are unique too. Creating emotional, physical...
Broaden Your Awareness: Sexual Abuse Myths vs. Facts
One of the main obstacles within our community that hinder prevention efforts is false beliefs about the frequency and the impact of...
Cuties Movie Review and How to Use it to Prevent Sexual Abuse
Films like Cuties, songs like Cardi B’s “WAP”, and other examples are driving the standard of acceptable content lower and lower.
The Power of Affirmations in Prevention
Self-fulfillment can be a powerful tool in sexual abuse prevention.
Three Tips for Parents to Start a Conversation About Pornography
With digital consumption skyrocketing through social media, online streaming and even e-learning, pornography has never been easier to...
Three Safety Planning Parenting Tips
Creating a safety plan provides your child with the confidence of knowing that there is always a way out of an unsafe situation.
3 Ways to Be an Ally to Survivors
Sexual abuse affects 100% of us. If it’s not you, then it’s someone you know.
I Have Been Betrayed, Now What?
When we’ve been betrayed, this cornerstone is removed. We must choose to heal by choosing to face our pain.
Checklist for Evaluating Caregivers
Once they are hired, drop in unexpectedly and without notice so they understand that you are actively engaged in your child’s safety.
What is Teen Dating Violence?
In a relationship, teens share sensitive information with their partner that can be used against them through dating violence.
Safety Guide for Ride Sharing Apps
What happens when the convenience of ride-sharing apps becomes a priority over safety?