How Shame Affects the Survivor

How Shame Affects the Survivor

Shame Affects the Body, Mind, and Soul

How the hidden impact of shame can affect every area of a survivor’s life.


Shame is a profound and universal human emotion. It has a profound effect on sexual abuse survivors that infiltrates the mind, body, and soul, often leaving a lasting imprint. When left unaddressed, it can significantly hinder personal growth, relationships, and overall well-being. Exploring how shame shows up in our lives and relationships can offer valuable insights for survivors on a healing journey. 

Defining Shame

Shame is different from guilt. While guilt relates to specific actions, shame attacks the core of one’s identity. It makes a person feel fundamentally flawed or unworthy. A survivor may feel inadequate and isolated and may have a negative self-perception. Guilt is about a behavior you did while shame is deeply tied to your identity. Recognizing the distinction between guilt and shame is crucial for addressing shame's unique challenges.

The Impact of Shame on the Body

Shame is deeply somatic, often stored and expressed through the body. The physical symptoms may include sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and decreased energy and motivation. The fight-or-flight response activated by shame can lead to hypervigilance, panic attacks, and tension. Try to take note of where you feel shame in your body. Do you feel pain in your stomach or tension in your neck? Start by practicing intentional movement like stretching or walking, which can help release physical tension. Read Psalm 32 and meditate on God’s goodness and restoration.

Impact of Shame on the Mind

Shame disrupts our thinking processes, leading to negative thought patterns and distorted beliefs. You may think, “I am irreparably flawed” or “I am defined by my worst moments.” These distortions, including all-or-nothing thinking and overgeneralization, keep the mind in cycles of self-condemnation. Sharing your story in a group setting, like Trees of Hope’s Shelter groups, can help you to transform shame into a testimony of God’s grace. We can help you develop an awareness of shame-based thought patterns and introduce grace-based thinking.

Impact of Shame on the Soul

Shame impacts survivors spiritually, often creating barriers to experiencing God’s grace and forgiveness. Sometimes, seeing the effects is hard because they can be subtle. For instance, shame can manifest itself as perfectionism or legalism. If you fear vulnerability or feel disconnected from your community and God, this could be due to chronic shame. It is essential to rest, reflect, and connect with God’s promises. Shelter Groups offer an environment where individuals can share their stories without fear of judgment. The Bible is a book full of stories of restoration and hope. Peter’s restoration in John 21:15-17 illustrates the transformative power of grace. 

Shame can trap us in cycles of survival, unhealthy control, and avoidance. Breaking free involves accepting our limitations and trusting in God’s redemptive work. Facing shame head-on and allowing God’s grace to heal will help us really break through the brokenness. 


Addressing the effects of shame requires a holistic approach that integrates mental health and Biblical truth. Survivors can find healing and transformation by understanding its impact on the body, mind, and soul. Through a community of like-minded peers, redemptive scriptures, and a trauma-informed approach to healing, shame’s debilitating effects can be replaced with flourishing, freedom, and grace.

Shelter groups create a supportive space where women can share their experiences without fearing judgment. Explore more about our upcoming Healing Groups in South and Central Florida. Shelter Online is also available for those outside these areas.

For survivors of sexual abuse, trauma-informed therapy is essential for addressing and managing mental health challenges. Trees of Hope has collaborated with Hope Christian Counseling to offer virtual or in-person one-on-one counseling sessions. 

*Please note that our counseling services have a cost associated with them, but at a discounted rate.

Linda Hahn

Linda resides on the Space Coast of Florida and works as a writer after serving as a high school teacher and counselor. She is enthusiastic about mentoring and is pursuing further education in trauma-informed care, as her healing journey has motivated her. Trees of Hope, particularly her Shelter study leader, Sue Koegel, aided Linda in breaking the silence of her own story. Through her writing, Linda hopes to inspire others to heal and find the words to express their pain.


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